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Click on the Underlined Links to view images of that particular variety.
Java Green, Muticus-Muticus
Indo-Chinese Green, Muticus-Imperator
Burmese Green, Muticus- Specifier
India Blue
India Blue Pied
India Blue White-Eyed
India Blue Pied White-Eyed
India Blue Silver Pied
Black Shoulder
Black Shoulder Pied
Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Cameo Pied
Cameo White-Eyed
Cameo Pied White-Eyed
Cameo Silver Pied
Cameo Black Shoulder
Cameo Black Shoulder Pied
Cameo Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Cameo Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
Cameo Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Charcoal White-Eyed
Charcoal Pied
Charcoal Silver Pied
Charcoal Black Shoulder
Purple Pied
Purple White-Eyed
Purple Pied White-Eyed
Purple Silver Pied
Purple Black Shoulder
Purple Black Shoulder Pied
Purple Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Purple Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
Purple Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Buford Bronze
Buford Bronze Pied
Buford Bronze White-Eyed
Buford Bronze Pied White-Eyed
Buford Bronze Silver Pied
Buford Bronze Black Shoulder
Buford Bronze Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Pied
Buford Bronze Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Peach Pied
Peach White-Eyed
Peach Pied White-Eyed
Peach Silver Pied
Peach Black Shoulder
Opal Pied
Opal White-Eyed
Opal Silver Pied
Opal Black Shoulder
Opal Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Opal Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Midnight Pied
Midnight White-Eyed
Midnight Pied White-Eyed
Midnight Silver Pied
Midnight Black Shoulder
Midnight Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Midnight Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
Midnight Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Taupe Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Sonja's Violete
Sonja's Violete Pied
Sonja's Violete White-Eyed
Sonja's Violete Black Shoulder
Sonja's Violete Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Spalding Pied
Spalding White-Eyed
Spalding Pied White-Eyed
Spalding Silver Pied
Spalding Black Shoulder
Spalding Black Shoulder White-Eyed
Spalding Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed
Spalding Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Spalding White
Spalding Cameo
Spalding Cameo Pied
Spalding Cameo White-Eyed
Spalding Cameo Pied White-Eyed
Spalding Cameo Silver Pied
Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder
Spalding Cameo Black Shoulder Silver Pied
Spalding Charcoal
Spalding Purple
Spalding Purple Pied
Spalding Purple White-Eyed
Spalding Purple Pied White-Eyed
Spalding Purple Black Shoulder
Spalding Buford Bronze
Spalding Buford Bronze Pied
Spalding Buford Bronze White-Eyed
Spalding Buford Bronze Silver Pied
Spalding Buford Bronze Black Shoulder
Spalding Peach
Spalding Peach White-Eyed
Spalding Opal
Spalding Opal Black Shoulder
Spalding Midnight Black Shoulder
Spalding Jade
Spalding Jade White-Eyed
Spalding Jade Pied White-Eyed
Spalding Jade Silver Pied
Spalding Jade Black Shoulder
Group Photos New Peafowl

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